Elmbrook United (EBU) Soccer may cancel the entire day’s game schedule, if the weather has created field drainage problems during the week, or if a large amount of rain is predicted for the day.
If lightning can be seen or thunder heard, all open field activity should cease, and players, parents, and coaches should seek shelter indoors. “If you can see it, flee it; if you can hear it, clear it.”
In an effort to ensure a positive and healthy experience for soccer players, referees, parents and spectators, Elmbrook United follows Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association’s recommendations for constructive sideline behavior.
Registration fees for the recreational program are not refundable and not transferable after the first game of the season. Registration fees for the select and academy programs are not refundable and not transferable after registration.
A one-time, volunteer fee of $125 will be charged to each EBU family. This volunteer fee will be refunded to families if and when they complete one volunteer job for each child registered with Elmbrook United.