
About Michele Meidl

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So far Michele Meidl has created 42 blog entries.

Rec Games from April 30 Rescheduled to May 21


Recreational games that were cancelled on April 30 due to wet weather have been rescheduled to Sunday, May 21.  Please see the Recreational Game Schedule page for the full May 21 schedule.

Rec Games from April 30 Rescheduled to May 212023-05-08T11:41:20-05:00

Recreational & Academy Practices Cancelled May 1 & 2


Outdoor fields in Brookfield and Elm Grove are closed due to standing water and unsafe field conditions.  Recreational practices are cancelled for Monday & Tuesday, May 1 & 2.  Academy practices are cancelled at Elm Grove Park for Monday & Tuesday, May 1 & 2.  

Recreational & Academy Practices Cancelled May 1 & 22023-05-02T11:06:25-05:00

Welcome Club Sponsor SunAnt Interactive


SunAnt Interactive of Brookfield has joined us as a new club sponsor. Matt Collins, SunAnt GM and Partner, has one active and one former Club player among his 5 children. Matt also coached EBU Recreational teams for many years. “EBU provides an unmatched experience for young people. And seeing first-hand the positive impact EBU has had on the development of countless kids from grade school through high school, I can hardly think of a better community initiative to support,” says Collins, born and raised in Brookfield. Going on 15 years in business, SunAnt Interactive builds, hosts, and markets more than 750 [...]

Welcome Club Sponsor SunAnt Interactive2023-01-31T11:41:37-06:00

Welcome New Sponsor Home Team Energy


We are thrilled to announce that Home Team Energy Company has joined us as a new club sponsor. As many of you know, Home Team Energy is owned by Ryan and Shelly Lettau who have children currently in our club. We would like to extend a huge thank you to them for their support and for being such an integral part of our community. Home Team Energy specializes in Solar Energy Installations, EV Charging, and Energy Storage. They have helped over 400 Wisconsin homeowners save money on their energy bills while also reducing their carbon footprint. Enjoy clean electricity and peace [...]

Welcome New Sponsor Home Team Energy2023-01-17T11:39:00-06:00

Recreational Registration Now Open for Spring 2023


Think Spring!  Registration is now open for EBU's Spring 2023 Recreational Program.  Boys and Girls, with birth years 2008 through 2018, are eligible for this fun, community-based program.  View our Registration Page to sign up!

Recreational Registration Now Open for Spring 20232023-01-15T11:17:27-06:00

EBU Turf Field Update


We wanted to update everyone on the progress of our new turf field. As you may already know, we had hoped to have the field completed by the end of the year, but unfortunately circumstances beyond our control (inclement weather, supply chain issues, procurement issues, labor shortages) have delayed the installation until the Spring when warmer temperatures arrive. The construction part of the project is now complete, and thanks to generous donations of time and equipment from our vendors, we were able to come in significantly under budget for this part of the project. We have received the turf material and [...]

EBU Turf Field Update2023-01-06T13:38:07-06:00

Welcome Tiltin Windows Doors and More


Elmbrook United would like to introduce Tiltin Windows Doors and More as a new club sponsorship partner. The owner, Javier Cardona, is an EBU parent with a son who has excelled in EBU's Academy program over the last 4 years. The full size grass field adjacent to Lisbon road will be renamed "Tiltin Windows & Doors" Their generous support allows us to continue upgrading our facilities and provide a top-notch experience for our players and families. Thank you, Tiltin Windows Doors and More, for being a valuable member of the Elmbrook United community. Tiltin Windows Doors and More is a top-rated [...]

Welcome Tiltin Windows Doors and More2023-01-05T13:07:32-06:00


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